Well the disaster has been that we broke our modem - the external and internal aerial! Very bad for us and very bad for the hip pocket. Still haven't resolved our dilemma but hope to do something in Cairns. When we were going past Great Keppel Island we noticed some clouds which according to the Cloud Appreciation Society meant it was going to get very windy within 24 hours (ha Debbie!!!). It actually took 36 hours for the strong wind warnings to start but we have been sailing in them pretty much since.
Day 10 - Sunday 3 May - Cid Harbour to Montes ResortWe left Cid Harbour at 6.30 am in windy conditions heading for Montes Resort at the bottom of Gloucester Island. Arrived at 11.50am and went in to the resort (on the beach) for a shower and a few drinks. Back again for dinner (always delicious and more than you can eat) and then sat by a fire on the beach for a while - magic. (Also first time off the boat since Mooloolaba!).
34nm - total 604
Day 11 - Monday 4 May - Montes to Bowen
Decided to head for Bowen in the hope of fixing our modem. Very strong winds but a beautiful day and a fantastic sail all the way to Greys Bay off Bowen (and the nudie beach!). Mind you at one point I could hear waves breaking to the left and then to the right and then behind and looked back and OMG!!! Dont look back!
13nm - total 617nm
Day 12 - Tuesday 5 May - Bowen to Cape Upstart
No Telstra shops in Bowen so left at 8.30 to head for Cape Upstart. Weather beautiful - wonderful days sail arriving at 2.15 - hoiking along at 7 - 8 knots!!
38nm - total 655nm
Day 13 - Wednesday 6 May - Cape upstart to Magnetic Island
Left Cape Upstart at 6.15am. Two yachts left before us and one cat after us. Strong wind warning still current so we knew it would not be nice! Seas were a minimum of 2.5 metres and to head for Cape Bowling Green (which is just a nasty sand spit preferably to keep well away from) we were getting hit from the side by waves which were kind of big! Quite a bit bigger than 2.5metres but after a couple of screams decided the close the eyes school of sailing is quite good. When you feel the back of the boat sliding off a wave close your eyes and hang on to the "close your eyes and pray rail" we had installed last year above the tiller and when you open your eyes and are totally off course just compensate and when you overcompensate compensate some more!!! Easy!!. Didnt know whether at this stage to mention that it was day 13!!! Anyway motor sailed till Bowling Green and then set a course for Maggie and put Mr Jennings (the wind vein) on and he pretty much steered us all the way to Maggie. We were almost there and wondering what a big 3 masted yacht was doing anchored so far out and then we realised we had reached Horseshoe Bay and whoops had nearly sailed past!!! Arrived at 4.45pm rather tired
Miles - 70nm Total 725nm
Day 14 - Thursday 7 May - Magnetic Island
Caught the bus and ferry into Townsville intent on replacing our modem but it was not to be. A replacement was $320 but they didn't have any (old technology - just over a year old) and the new one was $600! Still mulling it over but will do something by Cairns hopefully - probably wont be as good as what we had but...........
Day 15 - Friday 8 May - Magnetic Island to Orpheus Island
Left Magnetic Island at 6.45am and had a dream sail (strong wind warnings still in place - how good are we getting!!!). The weather was beautiful -the wind was just right and it was lovely. Arrived at Little Pioneer Bay on Orpheus Island (Palm Group) at 2.10pm. Picked up a buoy so didn't have to anchor and had an early night and slept well for a change!
Miles - 40nm Total 765nm
Day 16 - Saturday 9 May - Orpheus Island to Dunk Island
Strong wind warnings continue - we left at 6.15 overcast and windy getting hit by waves on the side thinking oh dear was this a good idea! Motor sailed for two and a half hours and then cut the motor and had a lovely sail albeit a rather wet one. Still didn't get into Zoe Bay on Hinchinbrook Island and Hinchinbrook always seem to have a big cloud over it. Once we got to the top of Hinchinbrook we changed tack and had a quite good sail though it has been overcast and rainy all day. Arrived Dunk at 2.10pm - have showered and feel good.
Miles - 45nm Total 810nm
Missing our doggies and grandson Jessie like mad. Spoke to Jessie through the week (22 months old) and told him we were on the boat and he said where's the boat - what do you say!!! Anyway all good. Hope you are all fine.
Fair Winds
Dell and Peter
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