Peter took Brett and Delphine into the resort for a good shower and left their packs on Braveheart in the marina. The water was quite calm at that time. Back at the boat we had beer and xmas cake even though it was only 1030. We all went ashore at 11 and put Brett and Delphine into a taxi to the airport and we were going to go to town but were a bit concerned about the weather so I stayed on board and Peter went to town to the market. As it turned out the weather was fine. We went ashore for a shower and had drinks on Braveheart before heading back out to the boat.
Sunday 22 January - Kota Kinabulu
Peter did the washing and I had a computer day then headed in for a shower. Peter had done several trips with the jerries to fill our water tank. We had a quiet evening on board and woke up at midnight when all the fireworks went off for Chinese New Year.
Monday 23 January - Kota Kinabulu to Pulau Gaya
06°00.102N / 116°02.191E
Went to town to get phone and internet cards for when we return and tracked down some vegemite. A lot of the shops were closed for Chinese New Year. Swapped a couple of books at the marina but they didn't have much. Still have heaps to read on board. Back to the boat and upanchored - we were really well dug in - and headed a couple of miles over to Pulau Gaya and chose a nice little bay and went in between what we thought was reef but turned out to be weed. We watched the monkeys on the beach and a bit later saw a pig so we took Bob in close to shore. The monkeys left but there were at least four big water monitors and the strangest looking pig - light brown with a really long snout and his ears quite a way back from his snout and with tusks. Its a lovely bay but it collects a lot of rubbish on the beach which seems to be what the animals are scavenging. Watched two men tie a couple of small logs together and then walk around the bay dragging them staying close to the shore and then they went around the point to a village. We figured it must be easier to go by water than to walk through the jungle.
Miles: 3 TTT: 185
Tuesday 24 January - Pulau Gaya
Spent another day here watching the monkeys and enjoying being away from the marina.
Wednesday 25 January - Pulau Gaya to Ambong
06°19.153N / 116°18.977E
We left at about 7.15 and motored out around the point into quite a swell and turned up heading north along the Borneo coast. The swell was a little uncomfortable and then the sea just got sloppy but as we got closer to Ambong it was improving. Ambong is a lovely sheltered bay and we went to the opposite side to where we normally go as it was really sheltered at this time of year and also very pretty. Cilantro also came across to join us. There are a few houses ashore and the people seem really friendly. A couple of blokes came out and wanted to swap a beer for a coconut but they settled for a cigarette each - the skipper rolled them one each and we didn't see them again. The skipper's cigarettes seem to have that affect on people!
Miles: 32 TTT: 217
Thursday 26 January - Ambong
Happy Australia Day
It rained all day and we really enjoyed just chilling out and reading. Braveheart came in around 5 so we three boats are all together again ready to head for the Philippines.
Friday 27 January - Ambong
Still a bit damp and more of the same. Did a bit of maintenance on the motor , winches and radios and a general clean up. We can get phone coverage here but no internet. Hoping to leave tomorrow - weather permitting!
Dell and Peter
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