Sunday, July 15, 2012

Long Way Home – the journey begins

First of all Happy Birthday to Carol for the 9th
Tuesday 10 July – Miri – Kuala Belait Brunei
04⁰34.822N / 114⁰11.362E
We woke early and wondered if we should go as it seemed very windy. We checked the weather on the internet and when we realised the 23 on the weather map was the temperature and not the wind strength we decided to go. We stowed everything, disconnected the power and Cilantro came to help us with our lines. And off we went finally heading home. The wind soon died out and we motored. A little swallow rested a while with us – not at all afraid. We could see a huge weather front on our port side as we turned the point. It got very windy coming from behind which built up quite a chop and it started to rain as we approached the river at Kuala Belait. We dropped the anchor in 2.8m beside the mangroves across from the town at 2.45pm. A humungus barge came down river towed by a tug – went quite close to us. A rope was attached to each side of the barge and the tug controlled it by releasing one rope and tightening the other so he could steer it – ingenious! The sailing yacht Kind of Blue came in and anchored further up river.
Miles: 35 Total This Trip: 35

Wednesday 11 July – Kuala Belait – Jefri’s Wall
04⁰56.972N / 114⁰48.761E
Once again we watched all the big boats go out – first one we saw was at 5.15am in the dark. Kuala Belait is a port town which services the Brunei oil rigs and has a lot of large boats – kind of like over sized tugs. There are heaps of oil/gas rigs off the coast. We left at 6.20am after all the big boats. It doesn’t feel a lot like we are on our way home yet but every mile we do now is a mile closer to home. A long hot day of motor sailing with slight swell. Interspersed the boredom taking turns playing a computer game! Hooked a fish but the crew was too slow at hauling it in and it got off. The second fish the skipper was hauling in quite a big one when snap – all he had left was the head! There was something big out there! Came inside Jefri’s wall around 3.15pm. The police boat was there again but they seem to tolerate us. Kind of Blue and Suspense came in. There was a big storm over the land but we had a lovely calm night – as always, courtesy of the Sultan’s brother, Jefri.
Miles: 46 TTT: 81

Thursday 12 July – Jefri’s Wall – Labuan
05⁰16.462N / 115⁰14.313E
Upanchored at 7am – heaps of mud on the anchor and chain. It is actually quite cool. The skipper has had a shirt on for the last two days! Can see two flames out on the horizon – presume it is gas burning. A lovely sight with a dark weather front behind it. It always amazes us how long it takes for a big boat’s wake to hit us. A boat passed us and was a mile away before his wake hit us – big wake too! Suspense left at 8 and passed us by 10 – he is a bit bigger than us! As we were leaving Brunei waters we saw a big plane flanked by two fighters and 9 helicopters – we presume the Sultan must have been going somewhere!! We anchored in our usual spot off the town of Labuan at 2pm. We called Jai to pick us up in his water taxi and take us ashore. His driving skills seemed to have deteriorated since we were last here but he was happy to see us. We did a reccy and bought some wine – there’s still not a lot around. We got our Indian takeaway – not up to its usual standard! Jai took us back – gave the boat a nudge but no harm done. Dinner on the deck watching the harbour and city at work – wonderful to watch the world go by. Then it started to rain.
Miles: 35 TTT: 116

Friday 13 July – Labuan
Its another Black Friday birthday for our little Jessie’s 5th birthday – Happy Birthday Jessie
We put Bob in and headed to a little beach Judy had told us about. Its on our side of the river so very convenient. A man was cleaning up the leaves and he had his three small sons with him. The boys ‘helped’ us pull Bob ashore. We went to the supermarket and bought them out of beer. The boys helped stow it into Bob then after asking permission of the boy’s father the skipper took the oldest boy out to help unload. The boys helped stow the rest of the beer. The smallest boy went head over turkey in the sand. Very funny. The two little ones had been up in the big garbage skips and came out with about eight empty spray paint cans which they proceeded to hit with stones to open them. They said they were trying to get the bullets out without much success thankfully. While the crew was waiting for the skipper she walked back to the supermarket except this time the warehouse on the right was open and it was filled with beer – the mother lode!!! And it was cheaper – could have saved $10 if we had found it first (another carton of beer!) Anyway we took a few off his hands and found some white wine in the supermarket. How much easier it was to just be able to load the dinghy up instead of using the water taxi. And for those who wonder at all the supplies we put on board – we cant just run down to the corner store every time we want something – we have to be pretty self sufficient for the next four months. Except for the fresh stuff we have to have everything on board though of course all the bigger towns we visit have some kind of supermarket. We paid the two little boys 1RM each and the older boy 2RM and gave their Dad a packet of chippy things and dried mangos. The two little ones had disappeared – guessed they had gone to spend their money! We then took Bob across the other side of the river to the town – there wasn’t a lot of boat traffic today and the crew waited under the water taxi jetty while the skipper grabbed a few more things – so much easier. We got back on board and as it was Jai’s day off we called Jo Bro and he came to collect us – he is a good driver. We had lunch and went to check in/ check out with Immigration, harbour master and customs then back to the boat with Jo Bro to stow everything away which took the rest of the afternoon. We sat on the deck watching the world go by again. It is such an interesting harbour.

Well that’s week one of our journey home. It feels good to be out on the water and good to have a purpose again though we wont really feel that till we have done our haulout and head into unknown waters. If you wish to know where we are, we will endeavour to update our Yotreps link every evening.

Love to you all. Special love to Maureen and Winston.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas
Dell and Peter