Sun 16 Aug - Bundaberg - Pancake Creek
We left at 5am in the dark but it is easy to get out of Bundaberg beause it is lit up like a runway. Motor sailed and when the sun came up put the mainsail up and had a great sail til about lunch time when the wind dropped out and then came strongly from behind. The seas built up to 2 - 3 metres and it got very rough. We came past 1770 and thats where we should have cut in to the coast but we stayed out to go around the big rocks and it was truly horrible. Took the main down - we should have left that till we got in but didnt! Anyway we finally got in at 4pm at high tide and took Rosie over to the sandspit. She was very relieved!
Miles : 64 TTT : 245
Mon 17 Aug - Pancake Creek
Took Rosie ashore and met a man who was camped on the beach and had been here for two weeks. He had rowed around from 1770 - took him 5 1/2 hours. He told us of the reef and where to catch fish and oysters. Didnt find the oysters! Had a walk along the sandspit in the afternoon. It is all under water at high tide and at low tide is completely exposed The skipper did some fishing and caught a small flathead and threw it back. Just on sunset he took Bob in a bit and caught two good bream so we had fish for dinner with the fresh bread he had baked today. There are about ten boats in here.
Tues 18 Aug - Pancake Creek
Went ashore and walked around the sand and rocks which Rosie really enjoyed. Then we went out and had a look at the reef. It was fairly clear and we also had the bathescope to look through. Then did some trolling out around the point. Took the parasol for Rosie!! Had a bit of a boat cleanup. Sasu visited for sundowners. Boats left and five stayed.
Wed 19 Aug - Pancake Creek
Took Rosie for her walk and it was very windy and forecast to get windier so we decided to move further into Pancake Creek. It is a narrow channel between the sandbanks. We followed the red and green buoys and the lead lines in and found a good spot to anchor. There are two trimerans which we thought Phil would have been iterested in. One had a carbon fibre sail with two men on each. Took a couple of walks along the beach then Rosie and I sat under the parasol on the shore while the skipper fished - tiddlers only! A lovely day.
Miles : 1.6 TTT 246
Thurs 20 Aug - Pancake Creek
Very windy. Had a couple of walks on the beach and a play on the sandspit. Rosie is very well. We have stopped giving her her medication and she has stopped yelping when we touch her. In fact, she gets passd between us quite a lot and doesnt mind at all. Loves going in the tender and has been running on the beach. Have set the saloon up so she can walk from our bed to the two saloon chairs and can jump down into her bed. She sleeps a lot when we get back but she is so much better than she was at home.
A couple of boats came in from out the front as it was very windy. Then the last one, a cat came in and promptly hit a sandbank and reversed off and nearly hit another yacht. Hit the sandbank on the other side and then almost ran over a trimeran. He came up beside the tri so the tri skipper jumped on board the cat and ran to the helm and motored it off. We can only think the cat skipper was inside trying to helm from there. The tri skipper tried to get all the seaweed off the anchor but ended up dipping the anchor and driving forward. Then he anchored the cat in a good spot and the cat skipper took the tri skipper back to his boat. It looked a pretty new cat!
Fri 21 Aug - Pancake Creek
Had the obligatory walk along the beach. Then it started raining and is overcast. Listened to the weather on the HF radio and tomorrow looks like being a reasonable day so we will get out of here on the high tide and move further out ready for an early start in the morning to try to reach Keppel Island. The cat skipper left his morning, the only boat to do so. Hope he had a good trip.
Currently at Great Keppell - more on that next week - internet connection is nor good - think its our dongle!