Fri 4 Sept - Mackay Marina
The wind was still blowing so stayed another day and looked at a catamaran for sale in the afternoon.
Sat 5 Sept - Mackay - Newrys
We came out of our berth beautifully and headed around to get fuel. Left at 9.05am and then had to wait ten minutes for two tugs to bring a big ship in. It was a lovely day and we arrived at the Newrys at 2.15 and anchored with four other boats. There is a lovely sand beach with coconut palms on Newry Island. From around the 1930s to 1970s there was a resort here. National Parks took it over in the early 2000s. There are the remains of the beachcomber Bar and a few of the huts.
Miles : 27 TTT: 517
Sun 6 Sept - Newrys
Went ashore about 8.30 and did the 2.8km circuit walk around the island. The skipper fished while I made him some muffins for fathers day. A lovely day.
Mon 7 Sept - Newrys - Goldsmith
Started out heading for Brampton Island but it got really uncomfortable so we decided to head for Goldsmith Island which is one of our favourites. We had been seeing a few butterflies flying past but as we got closer to the island there were more. When we went ashore and walked to the end of the beach it was like walking through a field of butterflies. There were thousands - really amazing. Four other boats came in and anchored near us. A calm night.
Miles: 21 TTT: 538
Tues 8 Sept - Goldsmith - Lindeman
We left around 8am and had a lovely motor sail up the side of Shaw Island. The skipper caught a tuna just before we came around Shaw so he was happy. Especially since shortly before he had something big on the line but I forgot to stop the boat! It got off - probably just as well if it was that big! We came around Little Lindeman and anchored near Lindeman Island. We took Bob and visited a couple of the beaches. Another lovely comfortable evening.
Miles: 22 TTT: 560
Wed 9 Aug - Lindeman - Cid Harbour
We left at 9am - could see whales in the distance. Had a lovely sail between Dent and Hamilton Islands with just the headsail up. It was pretty breezy. We sailed around Cid Island and came into a flotilla of boats all anchored in Cid Harbour. There were about 74 boats by the evening. Sasu came for sundowners.
Thur 10 Aug - Cid Harbour
We met Sasu and Sea Fever on the beach and took the long climb up 443 metres to the top of Whitsunday Island. The last third of it is quite exhausting but the views from the top are amazing. Some other people arrived at the top while we were still there so we all had a bit of a chat. We got back down (hard on the knees!) and sat on the beach for a while. Then it being low tide everyone helped get all the tenders back in the water Trim, our friend's Bruce and Anne's boat finally came in so we had a catch up with Bruce and his friend Ian. Unfortunately Anne had had to fly home already. Had a lovely evening.
Fri 11 Sept - Cid Harbour
We took Rosie in to the beach then went to have a look at Trim - a Seawind 1160 catamaran - a truly beautiful boat. We came back for breakfast then Water Music showed up so we spent the morning chatting to them. It is still blowing like mad.