Monday, February 27, 2012
WEEK 7 –Limancong Town to Corong Corong
Went to town in the morning – the people are so welcoming and the children are gorgeous. Bought a few supplies and checked the place out. Watched some people playing mah jong. They asked me to play but I am not in their league. Chris met a Jehovah lass who promptly gave him a Watchtower booklet. Asked after beer in another store only to be told that he is muslim! Peter got 200 litres of diesel in the jerries ($1.30/litre). Judy and Chris came over to discuss our internet woes and had a sundowner. We can see lights in some of the houses – most don’t have electricity and some are lit by kerosene lanterns.
Sunday 19 Feb – Limancong Town
Went to town to go to the market at 7 but it turned out we were a bit early. Most of the little stores were open but the wet market only had a few small fish. We sorted out our internet and by then we were able to buy some pork at the market. It poured rain all day. Our water tank is full, the water jerries and buckets are full and the skipper is lamenting about all the water going to waste!
Monday 20 Feb – Limancong Town to Bario Pancol, Malampaya Sound
10°52.000N / 119°24.781E
Braveheart pulled their anchor up but had three other unattached local anchors, an octopus and nets and other varied bits and pieces of rubbish. It took them quite some time to clear it with Cilantro’s assistance. They proceeded to the fuel dock and when they got back at 11 the sun had come out so we upanchored and headed up the Strait. There were lots of school kids in little canoes crossing to their homes. We motored up Marampay Sound past islands and then fishtraps and sticks and dropped the anchor around 3.45 in 4.3m. We can see a big house on the hill and the road to Tay Tay behind. The village is at the foot of the hill. We watched a fisherman pull in his line which had nets attached to it at regular intervals. It seemed he was getting crabs and tying them up but they didn’t look very big.
Miles: 5 TTT: 627
Tuesday 21 Feb - Bario Pancol, Malampaya Sound
We went ashore and noticed something moving in a small bangka (local boat) and it turned out to be twos trussed pigs. The locals carried the pig away upside down on a poleover the shoulder of two men. We were directed up the street to the main road so we could go to TayTay which used to be the capital of Paliwan and is on the East Coast. We waited for the bus opposite a shelter where a man was giving haircuts. Eventually a small van stopped for us and the six of us piled in. It cost 50 pesos each ($1.30) and it took half an hour to get to Tay Tay. The scenery was interesting as there were lots of rice paddies. Men were tilling the paddies with small ploughs pulled by water buffalo. It was a cement road to the edge of our village and then it was dirt all the way. We got dropped at the bus station then caught a trike to Tay Tay town. We walked around the waterfront to the Spanish fort built in 1667 and sat in the little church in the centre of the fort. We then had a tasty lunch at Penn’s restaurant, did some shopping in the little stores and then back to the bus station where they seemed to be waiting for us and piled us into the van and we were back by 2.30 – a great adventure and then sundowners on Braveheart.
Wednesday 22 Feb – Bario Pancol – Largenn Island
11°04.767N / 119°23.913E
The clouds over the hills came down to met the smoke from the cooking fires. We left at 7am and followed our track back out past the sticks and fishtraps. Amost ran over one marked by a tiny bit of white float – with a long rope attached! Passed Liminacong Town and the skipper caught a small mackerel. Fish for dinner! Then we came around into Bacuit Bay which is beautiful – full of limestone karsts a little similar to Thailand. We anchored in a small bay on Largenn Island and took Bob to another island about 1k away and went into Cathedral Cave. We were lucky and caught it between tour boats so motored in and had a look. It is a small cave but the walls tower above you and it really does look like a cathedral. As the tour boats with outriggers are all a bit big their guests have to swim in. We had a barbeque on the beach to finish the day and ate the fish we had all caught and some pretty good salads followed by a spud cooked in the coals. What a great day.
Miles: 26 TTT: 939
Thursday 23 Feb – Largenn Island – Corong Corong Town
Wow – waking up to perfectly calm water with huge cliffs towering above. Beautiful spot. Motor sailed across the bay to the Lagoons where we were hoping to anchor but it was gusting on to a lee rock shore and it was way too deep for us to anchor. We headed to Corong Corong in blustery conditions and anchored at 11.50 in 11m. This is a bit like Phi Phi Don in Thailand must have been 20 years ago with El Nido town a short 20 min walk across to a bay on the opposite side of the headland. There is a little village of atap huts ashore here with a few resorts further round the bay and lots of bangkas anchored on shore. In the afternoon we walked across to El Nido which is the laid back tourist town and after checking the place out had dinner and then walked back to Corong Corong.
Miles: 13 TTT: 952
Friday 24 Feb – Corong Corong
We got up early and went to the market. They didn’t have much there but we managed to get two sweetlip fish. Had a boat day and Braveheart joined us for sundowners while Cilantro went to town for dinner.
Well we have finally arrived at the good part of the trip and it is a pretty amazing part of the world and we would highly recommend it if you are looking for somewhere different to go – Katie! By the way check out the new links on the right hand side. You may see someone you know!
Anyway, hope you are all good. Missing everyone - love to Rosie too
Much love
Dell and Peter
Sunday, February 19, 2012
WEEK 6 –Oyster Inlet, Ulugan Bay to Limancong Town, Malampaya Sound
Decided to stay another day hoping the swell settles as our next anchorage doesn’t offer a lot of protection. Braveheart went on ahead and said the swell wasn’t too bad but it was 15kn on the nose and getting stronger. Quiet boat day.
Sunday 12 Feb - Oyster Inlet – St Paul’s Bay
10°15.200N / 118°56.737E
Left at 6.30 in total stillness and had no trouble pulling our anchor up. Motor sailed winds 15-20kn on the nose – moderate to rough seas. Went into the anchorage off Sabang where the subterranean river is but it was too rough and swelly to put our dinghy in so went across the bay to where Braveheart was anchored and anchored at 11.20 in sand in 8.5m
Miles: 21 TTT: 600
Monday 13 Feb – St Paul’s Bay
We all went onto Braveheart and we motored back to Sabang Bay. It is the first time we have been on a moving cataraman and it was a strange feeling – huge amount of space though. We anchored off Sabang again in a huge swell and the boys put the dinghy in hoping to find somewhere to go ashore but they couldn’t get close – reef in places and surf breaking on the beach so we motored back again and reanchored Braveheart next to Cilantro and Pacific Express. Quiet afternoon reading. We have joined the 8am morning sked on the HF radio of other boats up here.
Tuesday 14 Feb – St Paul’s Bay – Secret Paradise, Mayday Bay
10°26.976N / 119°05.386E
Were going to leave but it is raining and overcast which means we wouldn’t be able to see the reef at the other end. Tim off Rubicon Star told us on the sked this morning that other yachts had anchored at Sabang then taken their dinghies closer to shore and anchored them and then swam ashore! We decided that was way too dedicated for us. We will try to get a jeepney back when we get to Puerta Princessa. We left at 10am and motored in reasonably calm seas and came to Secret Paradise recommended by Rubicon Star. And paradise it is. A horseshoe shaped bay with reef around the edges with mountains rising all around with thick jungle and little huts dotted along the beach. Little boys on their rafts fishing. We anchored in 16m as we could see reef up ahead and it was difficult to make out where it started in the light we had. It poured rain – we could hear it coming across the trees and then across the water. Caught quite a bit of water for our water tank. At night there were so many stars and we could hear people singing.
Miles: 19 TTT: 619
Wednesday 15 Feb – Secret Paradise, Mayda Bay
We could see little boys fishing off their little rafts. Chris off Braveheart went up the mast and the little boys were very interested in that. A boat takes all the school children across the point to a bigger village in the next bay and collects them again in the afternoon. We had a look at the reef which was very shallow and then went through the channel to the beach. We were greeted by a lady washing their catch of fish – fish about 6 inches long. They had the smallest hut on the beach but were very proud of it. They had five children – three at school. John the husband took us to see his farm where he grew casava and then he presented us with a big bag of casava between us. casava looks like a yam and tastes like a potoato and takes 13 months to grow. John’s wife gave us a lesson in how to cook it then they went next door to get us a cooked one so we could taste it. She apologised for having no chairs for us to sit on. They really didn’t have a lot of anything but they were very proud of what they did have. There were 15 families living in the village and they each have two boats each though one of John’s was in need of a new motor. They only get paid 60 pesos ($1.50) for 1kilo of dried fish so it would be a long time to replace it. There is a boat comes down from Port Barton once a week to buy the fish off them. If they have an emergency they walk over the mountain to Port Barton – a hard walk. In the afternoon we took them in some gifts including a machete and John really thought that God was great! After that we all went to Braveheart and played Texas Holdem and Sandra turned out to be a real card sharp!!!
Thursday 16 Feb –The Real Secret Paradise
10°27.710N 119°05.248E
We left at 9.15 having realised that this was not the bay Rubicon Star recommended but we were very happy for the mistake as we really enjoyed the visit with the villagers. We motored around to the next bay to the real Secret Paradise Resort. The resort which had six cabins and a restaurant was owned by an Englishman named Mark. It has taken him six years to get it up and running and three of the cabins have only been completed this year. The only way in is by boat and the internet and phone are intermittent so he is doing well to have a full house. We went in to see bout getting some dinner but they thought we had come for lunch so we had lunch then went back for dinner!
Miles: 3 TTT: 622
Friday 17 Feb – Secret Paradise Resort – Limancong Town
11°00.724N / 119°18.443E
We had intended to go to Port Barton but we knew bad weather (thanks for your help Debbie) was coming so we decided to go to Malampaya Sound where we could tuck in and have lots of places to explore out of the weather. We left at 7.30and it rained all the way. We got hit by one 30 knot squall which called for a quick reefing of the headsail – an exhilarating moment! It was actually pretty chilly as well calling for the crew to don her jacket! The skipper is a little more hardy! (or silly!!). We were going to go into the typhoon refuge but it was a bit small for three boats and as there wasn’t a typhoon coming we tried a few other handy bays but they were all a bit deep so we ended up anchored off Limancong Town which is a rather busy little port. Lots of little houses/huts, pigpens, roosters crowing etc. Anchored off the town at 4.45
Miles: 47 TTT: 669
All going well. Are now getting up to where more travellers venture so hopefully our phone and internet coverage will improve. We can see the karsts from where we are anchored and it all looks beautiful. A wonderful surprise has been the Filippino people – forever smiling and so friendly and helpful.
Photos have now been added back to week 3
Take care all – special prayers for special people – you know who you are.
Dell and Peter
Saturday, February 11, 2012
WEEK 5 -Eran Bay to Oyster Inlet, Ulugan Bay
09°20.893N / 118°05.601E
At 2.30am the swell started coming around the reef (it was a falling tide) and we started rolling a bit. It wasn't too bad though especially given the size of the swell outside. A couple of fishermen in a small boat came close and waved and said hullo. There were quite a few boats around but they stayed away. We left at 8am and went out into the biggest swell - no one has mentioned the swell before and we didn't think it would be like this - uncomfortable. A fishing boat passed in front of us and waved. We headed for Quezon town but the swell was huge and we suddenly went from 20m to 5m so we did a quick about turn and got out of there. The skipper hooked a huge fish just as we turned away and the fish leapt out of the water and he was reeling it in when it broke the 50lb line. This area has not been surveyed on our charts so it really is feeling our way. We headed for some islands nearby and the depths were all over the place. Braveheart went in and tried one of the islands but it was too deep and rolly. Cilantro led the way to the next island but we were blocked off by reef so they decided to go between the islands (very slowly). The crew wasn't too keen to follow but we all went. We went down to 0.8m under the keel and missed a bommie by about 2 foot. Heart attack material really. When I was up the front watching for reef I smelt smoke and then we noticed smoke coming from Cilantro's exhaust. They checked everything and concluded they had something round their prop. Anyway we headed down the outside of the island into the swell again until we got past the island and all the reef with huge waves breaking on it. Then we turned in and went past heaps of sticks, huge fish contraptions and fish nets and we could see the reef all around the outside. Went around behind the island and dropped the anchor at 4.40 (so much for an easy day!) just in front of a dozen little floating huts and behind the fish nets. The island is gorgeous - all coconut palms and beautiful with huge surf breaking over the reef. We were so relieved to find this place as it was starting to look like we would have to do an over nighter! The fishermen are really friendly so I think we will be fine.
Miles: 38 TTT: 501
Sunday 5 February - Double Island
We decided to be kind to ourselves and stay another day. The surf is not breaking as hard on the reef today. The island is absolutely beautiful covered in coconut palms. We spent the day aboard and at 3.45 we went ashore with Cilantro. We approached the big house made out of thatched rattan with a thick thatched roof - very solidly built. Six dogs came down to greet us which was a bit disconcerting. We met Jocelyn who invited us to the house and we sat outside beside the kitchen (separate to the house). Jocelyn has been the caretaker for seven years for Mr Jones who owns the island. Mr Jones is Swiss apparently. Jocelyn's mother and her two sons Rodney (8) and Jerrick were there and three of her daughters are in Puerta Princessa and the fourth daughter (23) lives on the mainland with her two children. Jocelyn is 42. We chatted for a while laughing as she tried to teach us a few Filippino words. Then we walked around the island accompanied by Rodney. The island is called Double Island as there is a sandspit across to another island. There were about six huts over there but we didn't want to intrude so just walked around the one. It was great being able to go in and communicate. We then all went to Braveheart to strategise about tomorrow which will be a long haul.
Monday 6 February - Double Island - Fish Bay
09°58.682N / 118°39.627E
We left at first light at 6am - it was a low tide and we followed our track out on the chart plotter. We had gone out and were in 15m when Braveheart called up to say they were in 15m and the skipper went below to talk on the radio when next thing we were in 5m and dropping! Absolutely heartstopping not knowing which way to go to find more water. The skipper told me later we had gone down to 0.5m under the keel. The charts were a bit out!! Anyway we headed further away from the land and went way out and around. There was still a bit of a swell but nothing like the previous days. And as the day wore on it became more settled and wasn't too bad. We came into Fish Bay around 3.50 and could clearly see the bits of reef and dropped anchor in 5.3m. We were able to tell Braveheart and Cilantro where the reef was when they came in 30 and 40 mins later. Its amazing what a difference that short time makes to being able to see the reef. The bay is gorgeous. Crystal clear green water, white beach, coconut plantation in front and village to the side. Saw a man leading a water buffalo along the beach pulling a bamboo sled thing with a little daschound walking in front. And then four little kids riding a water buffalo along the beach and two little kids with a stick not quite game enough to whack it. J But they did whack it and it went bush and they all disappeared and reappeared shortly after with two kids on its back and another kid leading it. They tied it up in the grass and headed back up the beach. A beautiful spot.
Miles: 54 TTT: 555
Tuesday 7 February - Fish Bay
Had a quiet start to the day then took the bathoscope out in Bob to see if the reef was any good. Lots of weed and not so good coral. At 2.30 we headed for shore and met Jacob and Carla off the other yacht in the bay - Lotus - who said they had organised a jeepney to Puerta Princessa tomorrow and did we want to go. They also asked if we had a spare propeller for their outboard as someone stole the prop off their motor!! We did as it happened. We all went to shore and met Carmalita who decided to give us a tour of the village. We saw the site where an Italian bloke is going to build a medical clinic, the open air church and the school which had 4 - 5 classrooms. We visited the smaller kids and they were very excited. The Govt has given all the villagers 20m x 30m blocks of land and their huts flow up the hill. Our guide then took us to the Vice-Mayors house which is being turned into a bit of a resort. Here we found a small zoo with a crocodile, rabbits, macaque monkeys and a huge snake. We then walked around the beautiful beach and back again. At the moment we have just seen a beautiful sunset and all the smoke rising from the village fires and it is so calm and lovely. (but lots of sand flies, all of us got bitten and are trying hard not to scratch)
Wednesday 8 February - Fish Bay
We left at 8am in the jeepney which is like an elongated troop carrier with roll up clears at the sides and very brightly coloured. Carmalita joined us for the trip which took 1 ½ hours. We found Puerta Princessa to be interesting - lots of traffic all driving on the right hand side of the road. Lots of motor bikes with kind of side cars with a roof over the lot. Carmalita took us to a Filippino restaurant for our first Filippino meal which was very nice. They eat a lot of pork. We then went to the Yacht Club to check it out and met an eccentric gentleman - a pom who had been there 20 years. He had a bell on the table and when he wanted another drink or cigarettes he rang it and a lovely lass would appear with it. We want one of those bells! Had a drink with him and then went to the local market for fruit, veges and eggs and then to the supermarket which we hadn't realised was a long way back into town. We got the necessities and we cant wait to go back with some more time to do some fun shopping. As we headed back it started to rain so we were rolling and unrolling the window clears all the way back! A good day out and it cost us 4,000 pesos which was around $25 per couple.
Thursday 9 February - Fish Bay
Had a quiet day then Braveheart and we headed into the local school to take some books and pens in for them. We then had a meeting on Cilantro to exchange information with Lotus who was heading south.
Friday 10 February - Fish Bay - Oyster Inlet, Ulugan Harbour
Happy Birthday Patrick
10°04.279N / 118°45.225E
We left at 8am for an easy day short trip to Ulugan Harbour. The seas were very short and very swelly and extremely uncomfortable. Braveheart had shot ahead and were anchored so we very carefully headed for them as we couldn't see the reef through the not so clear water. We decided it was a bit too swelly there for us so followed a channel around the back. Our depth sounder is playing up so Cilantro took the lead but we soon found ourselves in shallow water with the odd bommy around. We tried anchoring in 13m but it was on reef so we retreated and headed for Oyster Inlet. There are lots of fish farms around so we anchored in 17m and went back to 6m. The depths are weird so we are hoping we are not over coral - we think (hope) its mud. The skipper caught a few small rock cod - too small - what are they living in down there! Anyway it is like amill pond in here and really good after a trying day. People keep telling us it gets better from here up - we hope they are right. No phone coverage here either.
Miles: 24 TTT: 579
Carol, hope your shoulder is on the mend. Anyway love to all. The skipper is still having fun, the crew is hoping it gets better!!
Missing everyone
Dell and Peter
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Sunday, February 5, 2012
WEEK 4 -Ambong to Eran Bay Philippines
06°49.623N / 116°39.407E
We left the beautiful anchorage of Ambong at 7am and headed out into a swelly uncomfortable sea and motor sailed for a couple of hours and then we got some wind and managed to sail for around three hours which was brilliant as we haven't sailed for so long. We hit 8 knots at one point and did really well. We followed our chart plotter into a little bay with little huts and houses dotted around. It was quite a comfortable anchorage in 4m on good sand. One of the locals came out and said hullo to Cilantro. Around 2am the wind backed around and came from the wrong direction. We stayed bow on to it and just had a bit of rocking which was ok.
Miles: 40 TTT: 257
Sunday 29 January - Agal Bay to Pulau Balambangang, Sabah
07°16.820N / 116°59.714E
At around 6.20am we went side on to the swell so upanchored at 6.30 and left. We passed two yachts anchored further out and they were really pounding up and down. The seas were a little sloppy but after we came out and around a big rock and started heading north we had a following sea - that's the one where its best not to look behind you! We motor sailed and passed the tip of Borneo and continued to Balambangan Island where the wind dropped off entirely so we dropped the mainsail while we were going along! We dodged a few blue bits (shallow) on the chart and a couple of rocks and came into another bay - a bit dry and scrubby looking. Nudged our way towards the shore looking for some water shallow enough to anchor in. Anchored in 12m on sand. A family in a boat (with rooster on board) came to all our boats to beg food.
Miles: 43 TTT: 300
Monday 30 January - Pulau Balambangan - Pasig Bay, Balabac Island, Philippines
07°50.500N / 116°59.228E
We left around 6.45 and followed our track out and headed between two islands. The reef came a long way out from the smaller island and the chart said "depths may be less than shown" - not reassuring when you hit 7m and have no idea if it is going to get any shallower. We put reef in the headsail and heeled right over which the crew hates. Turned the motor off and headed out into really rough water. It wasn't really pleasant for the first little while but then the waves settled a bit and Pacific Express loved it scooting along at 7 knots copping the odd wave over the top. It reminded us of coming up the Qld coast and how much we actually miss a good sail! We were approaching Balabac Island, Philippines and a ship was heading towards us. We thought we would head out and go around it but the AIS told us we would go within 600 ft of it so we headed for shore with the ship coming at us - pretty freaky feeling. Then the ship changed course 3 degrees to starboard and we knew we were ok. By this stage we had had enough so decided not to go to Balabac town where we think we can get simcards and we also suspected it would be an uncomfortable anchorage. So we headed to the south of the island around the point and out of the swell. There is an amazing looking lighthouse which we presume had Spanish influence. Anyway as we were coming towards the channel into the bay we were getting crazy depths 15m to 10m to 7m and they were all over the place. Cilantro took the lead and when we got in the channel the depths were constant 33m dropping slowly till we got in and dropped the anchor at 3.30pm in 6m over good sand. The island is south of Palawan Island which is the long skinny one at the bottom of the Philippines. Balabac is big and has mountains and lots of huts along the beaches and coconut palms. Lots of reef all around, lovely green coloured water and really really pretty. There is a stilt village in the next bay built entirely over the water. Looks really interesting. A beautiful place to anchor.
Miles: 46 TTT: 346
Tuesday 31 January - Pasig Bay, Balabac Island
Well a quiet day in paradise. Time to find out something about this country we have come to. Well it is an archipelago with over 7,000 islands and apparently the people are friendly and most speak English as a second language. Lots of reefs, snorkelling, diving - sounds good. We will be travelling up the west coast of Palawan Island. It is NE monsoon (dry season) so the East coast is windy and exposed. We somehow have to get to Puerto Princessa (the capital of Palawan) to check in but it is on the East Coast. We suspect we may have to leave the boats on the west coast and go by land to Puerto Princessa but first we have to get a bit closer. The Coast Watch apparently is sitting up in the lighthouse here and called up Braveheart and took their details.
Wednesday 1 February - Pasig Bay - Balabac Harbour
07°59.553N / 117°03.948E
Happy Birthday Mr Perry!
Well it absolutely poured rain last night with a lot of wind. Left at 6.30am and headed out to get a better angle of the wind. Had a slow sail up to Balabac Harbour. Balabac Island is beautiful and kind of has a Pacific Island feel to it. There were lots of plastic bags and rubbish floating just below the surface as we came up the coast - quite a junkyard in places. Anchored at Balabac town at 12. We just anchored in the middle of the bay in 5.3m. Braveheart and Cilantro went a bit further in into shallow water. The town looks a bit Indonesia-y. Took the dinghies in to the only tiny bit of beach we could see. Three tiny little girls were shyly smiling. There was a group of men using a pile driver. One was at the top guiding the weight on to the pile and the rest of them en were in a line pulling a rope back and forth to "work" the weight. Hard work. Lots of smiles and hullos and they told us to walk on the footpath round the houses to the road. We went to a few little stores till we found one that sold phone cards. The boys did the purchasing and put 100 pesos on the cards - this turned out to be $2.50!!! So wont go far! They had no internet so for now we are on the sail mail. The skipper asked if there were any restaurants and the girl said yes but best you eat at home! We walked through the town past the school which said "child friendly school" (lucky huh!!), past the big sign which warned about encephalitis up to the cemetery. People were saying welcome to Balabac and they were all very friendly. One end of town had the Jehovahs and Catholics and the other end the Muslims. We asked directions to get to the ruin on the hill and followed a track up to the remains of a Spanish fort. The view was amazing. Chatted to three young men up there then walked back through town and bought some fresh veges. Saw a sign for a cockfight which had been on 3 December - big money - 5,500 pesos prize! The little kids were laughing and talking - think they were a bit amazed to see us. This place is not on the tourist route and doesn't have backpackers. Went back to the boats and were waved off by the pile driver line and the three little girls. Expecting a rough night as we are on the exposed coast. The fishing boats are interesting having outriggers on both sides and even the ferry had outriggers. Sat and watched the lights in the small town. What a lovely place.
Miles: 26 TTT: 372
Thursday 2 February - Balabac Harbour - Canipan Bay
08°35.862N / 117°15.130E
Well the wind backed around the wrong direction and the swell dropped off and we had the best night's sleep in ages. All the roosters in the town were going off. We left 6.30ish and motored north with sea as calm as and no wind. Beautiful day, beautiful scenery. No idea where we are going. Caught a big barracuda but let it go very carefully - big teeth! The sea was calm but very swelly. We came into anchor but a fishing boat (Dianne) beat us to it so the room was limited as there was reef all around. We were behind a reef with surf breaking on it and behind us was another reef with surf breaking on it and a reef between us and the shore. Two more fishing boats came in and anchored either side of us. Cilantro and Braveheart anchored further out the back. The fishermen off Diane yelled hullo and asked where we were from and then just let us be. They are friendly but reserved. We were very sheltered from the NE swell.
Miles: 42 TTT: 414
Friday 3 February - Canipan Bay - Eran Bay
09°07.204N / 117°45.344E
The tide was out so we could see the reef all around us. Looked close! Left at 6.30 and motor sailed in big swell - uncomfortable. Had to go quite a way out as there are big shallow patches all the way along the coast. The weather turned overcast and we actually felt a bit cool! Caught a small tuna but let it go and then something big took the line and the last good lure!! Pretty boring day but it probably beats being in the office! A fishing boat - John Henry - came in close and travelled along side us for a while. They were just checking us out which was good as we got to check them out too and get some photos. Saw a seasnake or an eel. Passed a metal drum anchored in around 40m - it was about 6ft long and 1 ½ diameter and looked like a small canoe with a metal ring on top. Seas became a bit sloppy and it was overcast. Saw a big black fin and thought it was a shark and then it disappeared and the skipper was just saying thats the biggest shark I've ever seen when it resurfaced and turned out to be a big branch off a tree! We followed the channel in and could see reef on the left and right and some fishing nets and we anchored at 4.45 off a small village in 6.3m. Palawan is such a pretty island - quite mountainous and all the cloud has settled into the valleys so it looks like snow. Saw some fishing boats with long bits of bamboo with a net attached. Slightly swelly but ok.
Things are going well, though yesterday was a trial (you can read about that next week) but the one thing we hadn't realised and hadn't heard anyone speak of is the size of the swell out there. It is really not nice.
Love to all
Dell and Peter
PS to see where we are click the link to where we are - not the where we really are!
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